Round 2: February 2012

The Austins: Thomas Austin (25), William Austin (25)

Thomas and Ana hadn’t bothered to make an exclusive commitment to each other, and they didn’t really see the need.  They enjoyed each others company and they didn’t want to complicate matters.




Thomas had expected the passion to dull after a few weeks, but on that front they were still going strong and it had been almost four months since they began dating.




Whether they were officially a couple didn’t seem to matter because they were together more often than not.  Their friends knew to expect both of them at parties and gatherings.




When Thomas wasn’t visiting with Ana or working at the theater, he continued to moonlight at the local dive bar.  He hadn’t given up his dream of owning one of his own someday.




William had noticed Ana’s almost constant presence of late, and he decided to ignore it by repairing and upgrading every appliance in the house.  He knew that he wouldn’t be able to make better inventions until he advanced in his mechanical knowledge.




His hard work was starting to pay off, but now he was working through his scrap metal so quickly that he had to take some extreme measures to gather it more efficiently.




He’d recently read some very interesting things on the use of explosives for mining, and he thought that the same principles could be applied to the piles of metal at the junkyard.




To say that it worked would be an understatement.  He had so much scrap for his inventions that he lost all track of time, and didn’t even notice when Valentine’s Day rolled around.




Thomas, on the other hand, was well aware that it was Valentine’s Day.   He even took Ana out for dinner, and he was worried that she was going to cause some traffic accidents when she showed up in a slinky red dress.




He didn’t want to risk getting her mad at him, and he knew she could be a little neurotic–so he tried to think of everything.  He even brought flowers.




The flowers were a good move, and Ana was impressed with his thoughtfulness.  Thomas didn’t like doing anything by half measures–even if he wasn’t a full boyfriend.




Gameplay Report

  • A fairly quiet and drama-free update for the Austins this time.  Thomas hasn’t rolled up a want to ask Ana to go steady, but they’re still rolling wants for each other.
  • I couldn’t believe the blast when Will detonated the dynamite–I didn’t expect him to blow up the entire junkyard!  I thought it would be a little blast that would blow up one pile, but it was crazy:

Will was thrilled with his success.




This entry was posted in Round 2.

6 comments on “Round 2: February 2012

  1. pineapplechick says:

    Wow…that explosion O.O
    I love Thomas and Ana as a couple!

    Great update, as usual!!

    • raquelaroden says:

      Pineapplechick: I was not expecting such a massive explosion! It was pretty awesome. I’m liking Thomas and Ana as a couple, too–I just hope it holds out. He has a tendency to run his mouth…

      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  2. Mao says:

    LOL at that explosion! How epic! It makes me wish I had messed around more with Inventing. 😀

    Aww, I hope Thomas and Ana can get things going and become a real couple! They seem like a good match.

    • raquelaroden says:

      Mao: That explosion was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen in the game! The next time I do it I will have to let my husband see it because he loves things like that. You should definitely mess with inventing! 🙂

      I’m thinking that before long I might have to push them in the couple direction…though, I’ve had a few incidents that will probably make for interesting reading in later posts (I’ve played ahead of where I’ve posted). 🙂

      Thank you for reading and commenting!

  3. Carla says:

    Well, I guess if Thomas and Ana are happy with things the way they are, then that’s all there is to say about that. 😉 It seems like they’re exclusive without really saying it.

    Will looks every bit the mad scientist in that last picture!

    • raquelaroden says:

      Carla: They seem happy right now…but I think I’ll have to do something about them before long due to some er…developments. 😉

      Will loved the explosion–in many ways he’d be perfect for the military, but he seems to prefer the lack of a structured career (though he hasn’t made much money as an inventor yet).

      Thank you for reading and commenting!

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